Talks: Training

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  • Cartell xerrada de formació
  • Xerrada de formació
  • Xerrada de formació
  • Curs d'entrenadors

Even though training talks also keep the spirit of my motivational talks, its main goal is to contribute to the education of future professional (teachers, educators, journalists, coaches, athletes, etc.) through a practical activity.

The format of these talks is usually as follows: first I do an introduction about myself focusing on my experience with sports, in daily life or during my years in school, depending on the area of study of the audience. Next, there is a dialogue and debate, generated from a Q&A dynamic.


In addition to the ones listed in the Talks: Overview section, other topics that are usually treated (again depending on the specific field of study) are: my athlete’s mindset, techniques to overcome setbacks, teamwork, relationship with my teammates or classmates, the coach or teacher as a tool to discover and unlock the potential of the athletes or students, how to treat or rather not treat people with disabilities (in media or at school), architectural barriers and human barriers, etc.

If the age of the audience attending is between 12 and 19 years old, many of the topics explained at Talks: Education are also treated.


Some of the clubs, organizations or programs for whom I’ve worked are (in no particular order):

Institut Guttman, Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, Universitat de Vic, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Universitat Blanquerna – Ramon Llull, Máster de Alto Rendimiento en Fútbol de SportNetworking, Unió Esportiva Sant Cugat, Club Bàsquet Consell, etc.

If you would like to hire me for a talk or for a related project or if you want more information, feel free to contact me.

Curs d'entrenadors

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