Author: joanpahisa

Xerrada a escola

Talks: Education

High school and the final years of primary school is a time with lots of changes for youngsters. Physical changes, but, most of all, internal changes that can generate doubt, lack of confidence and...

Xerrada a empresa

Talks: Companies

Motivational talks for companies can be for employees in general, for specific departments (i.e. human resources) or for the management. Nice occasions to include a talk in an organization are the beginning of important...

Saltant a Protagonista 2014

Talks: Events, coaching and organizations

Talks at events are also motivational in order to inspire the audience into motion toward following their dreams and desires. Furthermore, talks make attendees reflect on themselves and invite introspection. To know and to...



Daydreaming is a short film in English, with subtitles in Spanish, written with my collaboration by the directors of Glance Up, Enric Ribes and Oriol Martínez, which, as well as Glance Up, is helping...

Cròniques dels Jocs

Cròniques dels Jocs

Joan Pahisa Solé, febrer de 1986. Escriptor, orador i enginyer informàtic. Des del seu metre d’alçada és també un jugador de tennis taula consagrat en lligues per a gent amb i sense discapacitat. Ha...

Joan @ TV3

Media: TV

Small archive with a compilation of some of my TV appearances: from interviews, to daily news broadcasts or sports reports. Some of the channels or other audiovisual media agencies where I’ve been featured in,...

Xerrada de formació

Talks: Training

Even though training talks also keep the spirit of my motivational talks, its main goal is to contribute to the education of future professional (teachers, educators, journalists, coaches, athletes, etc.) through a practical activity....

Logo World Dwarf Games

World Dwarf Games

In 2013 I competed at my second World Dwarf Games, this time in Michigan at the US. My first Games had been in Rambouillet, France, 2005, and my third ones were later on in...

La Contra de La Vanguardia

Media: Press

Compilation of some of the interviews and articles about me on written media. Especially noteworthy the back covers of La Vanguardia and El Periódico. Some of the newspapers and magazines where I’ve been featured...